Revoice Pro 5.1 Manual Publication

Tools and Quick Keys

Manually adjust timing, pitch and level » Tools and Quick Keys

If the Quick Key for a tool is pressed a second time, it will turn the tool OFF and turn the Selector Tool back ON.

The Main Tools and their Quick Key commands are:




Shortcut: O          

This is the main tool for selecting and manipulating the audio.
A range of audio can be selected by either:

  • "lassoing" the range, or
  • clicking one pitch block as the start point, then navigating down to the timeline to your endpoint, pressing SHIFT and then clicking the final end point.

Center Notes

Shortcut: K             

If one or more Notes are selected, when this tool is clicked, the Center Note controls will appear.

Note that one control is a Drift Control as well as the "Correction" control to center the Note block.


Shortcut: D       

The pitch can be drawn and redrawn in the Main Window where there is voiced audio.

TIP: Turn the Draw tool OFF before double clicking to place the Playhead and start playback.


Shortcut: I     

This will present a red line at which note blocks will be Split (i.e. separated) when the mouse is clicked.


Shortcut: V

The shaper tool will add shape points to the pitch trace to allow for fine pitch manipulation. This tool is great for controlling or modifying vibrato, or changing the pitch trace while maintaining the original character of an artist's voice. Shape points can be added in both the Level and Pitch windows.

  • Click on the pitch trace with the shaper tool to add a shape point.
  • Hold and drag left and right to reposition a shape point.
  • Hold and drag vertically to increase or decrease the pitch modulation.
  • Click and hold + option for a tilt movement.
  • Double click to remove a shape point.

The Shaper tool also functions in the Level screen. This usage is explained in the Level Modification Tools section.

The above image shows four shape points. The green points act as anchors and the yellow point is the selected point that is being edited.

Shape Point Groups

Click and drag to select multiple shape points and create a group. Grouped points turn white and will move together. Shape point groups must be continuous.

Groups of Shape Points can be deleted by right-clicking a note block and selecting 'Delete Shaper Tool Group'. This will delete all shape points on the note block.

TIP: It can be helpful to create a shape point at the beginning and end of a pitch trace before you begin editing.

Warp Point 

Shortcut: .

  • Shift Click   to create a Warp Point.
  • Shift Click   on existing Warp point line to delete the Warp Point.

NOTE: Two warp points are needed to anchor the range start and end, and the warp point
that will be manipulated needs to be placed between the anchors.

Once a Warp point is created, its position can be moved without processing by holding down
ALT/OPTION and dragging the warp point line.

force break text
