Before editing time and/or pitch, use the methods described in Seeing pitch information to bring pitch traces and blocks into view. The results might look similar to those below with pitch contours visible.

Warp - ready to edit

The measured groups of unpitched signal content (such as breaths and other noises) are shown as "Unpitched blocks", which are placed along the waveform's zero line. These blocks cannot be altered up or down (in Pitch).

Both Pitched and Unpitched Blocks can usually be stretched or compressed in time and sometimes be moved along the time axis depending on whether unselected adjacent blocks stop the movement.


Pitch Blocks and Groups containing Pitch Blocks can be moved up and down (higher and lower in pitch) and left and right (in time), compressed and expanded. If the group also contains Non-pitched Blocks, these will be compressed or expanded in time. Pitch and time blocks can be moved in time if it is not being stopped by a non-selected block.

Non-pitched blocks can only be moved, compressed or stretched right or left along the time line and will stay displayed along the middle of the waveform display for convenience.

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