Revoice Pro 5.1 Manual Publication

Revoice Pro 4.3 Help

    Processes » Adjust 

The Adjust Process facilitates precise manual time and pitch editing of audio signals. These Time and Pitch Warping functions are independent versions of those otherwise available as an output of the Match Process

For general use, we suggest using the Adjust Region, discussed further in the next topic here and in detail in Manually adjust timing, pitch and level.


  • You don't have to prepare audio in other external time and pitch editing programs. Instead, do these adjustments comfortably and quickly within Revoice Pro. 
  • Play other tracks along with the track you are adjusting while in a loop to audition your changes in context.
  • Time and/or pitch changes to Guide or Input tracks will be passed automatically into the outputs of all processes using these inputs. So dependant audio tracks will always be in time and in sync instantly.
  • The editing tools allow, for example, pitch blocks to be split into smaller sub-blocks, for more precise control over pitch; for previously split blocks to be rejoined, for the boundaries between blocks to be smoothed, and for contours to be drawn manually.

Typical applications

Some of the main uses for manually editing signal features (pitch, timing and level) are quite common and include:

  • Improving or altering the pitch and/or timing of tracks that will be used as Guide tracks in Match processes.
  • Correcting or altering the pitch of a harmony track before using it as a Dub input to a Match process that will have only its timing aligned to the Guide. The output of this Match process can then become a harmony Guide track for correcting double tracks of this harmony part.
  • Manually adjusting the pitch and time of a solo vocal or any voice recording that is not being used with any other vocal track.
  • Making minor adjustments to the features in the output of a Match process.

Methods for time and pitch warping

  • The Adjust Region Process - in which the adjustments are made in same track as the input audio for only one selected Region, and the output is heard adjusted "in place" instead of the input. This is meant for making large and small corrections or creative changes to the timing and pitch of voice and monophonic instruments to create perfected lead, harmony, ADR or voice over parts.

  • The Adjust Process - which can be any length as set in the Process Control Track - and can include anything from part of one region to spanning multiple regions. The output of the Adjust process is sent to a designated output track where the adjustments are made. The input track is left unchanged.

  • The output of a Match Process can also be manually adjusted with the same techniques, but the Match's automated processing should be locked first to ensure that the manual adjustments do not get removed.

The Time and Pitch Adjust selection and modification tools work pretty much the same for these three methods in that user adjustments work on the same type of displays of graphic elements (pitched notes, transitions, non-pitch blocks and added Time Warp points) within the track containing the output.

Adjusted tracks' audio can be used independently and sent back to the DAW. But what's more powerful and unusual is they can also provide "perfected" Guide tracks for Match functions (to tighten any existing "loose" double tracks automatically), and/or as the inputs to Doubler functions.

Since many of the Adjust timing, pitch and level editing functions are available in multiple processes, the details of this are covered in a separate section: Manually adjust timing, pitch and level


Topics in this section:

Adjust Region: step-by-step introduction

Adjust Process: step-by-step introduction

Related topics:

Manually adjust timing, pitch and level