Software installation
Getting Revoice Pro
If you have not already done so, download Revoice Pro and install it on your computer.
Remember, Revoice Pro is a stand alone program, so you will need to start it each time you want to use it.
Run the installer. It will provide all installation instructions.
System Requirements:
- Revoice Pro for Windows works with Windows 7, 8 and 10
- It will not work with earlier versions of Windows.
- From Revoice Pro 4.3 only 64-bit operating systems and DAWs are supported.
To uninstall: Simply run the Uninstaller.
The menus shown in this user guide are captured from the macOS version of Revoice Pro. However, the contents of these menus will be substantially the same for the Windows OS version (apart from file system operational differences). Any other major differences will be noted.
- Double click the disk image (.dmg) file that you downloaded, to mount the disk image on the desktop.
- Double click the mounted disk image to open it (unless it opens automatically), and drag the Revoice (application) to your Applications folder. Revoice must be installed at this locations so the plug-ins can start Revoice Pro.
- Start Revoice Pro - the following plug-ins will then be installed
- Revoice Pro Link - Audio Units (for Logic, etc.)
- Revoice Pro Link - Audio Suite AAX (for Pro Tools 11.1 and higher)
- Revoice Pro Link - VST3/ARA (for Studio One, Cubase, Nuendo, Reaper, etc.)
System Requirements:
- Intel Mac with OS X 10.7 or higher.
- From Revoice Pro 4.3 only 64-bit DAWs are supported.
To uninstall all the different components:
In the Applications folder delete Revoice Pro: /Applications/Revoice
To delete the plug-ins you need to delete the following files:
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins/RevoiceProLink.aaxplugin
/Library/Application Support/DigiDesign/Plug-Ins/RevoiceProLink.dpm