RePitch Elements 1.4 User Guide Publication

Saving RePitch’s Audio Data


This Chapter is ONLY for VST3 and AU Versions of RePitch

For Pro Tools and AAX RePitch, click here

Overview of Saving RePitch Audio

Information    In this document, will use the word Session to mean what your DAW might refer to as a Project, Song, Session, etc

When you use RePitch it creates new audio files containing the processed audio that are used to replace the original Input audio. So the RePitch plug-in puts the audio first into its own directory on your hard disk, and it has connections to it so it knows where it is.   

After you use this processed audio, technically there is no need to save the aligned audio to a cache, because RePitch can always regenerate its aligned audio output. Nonetheless, regenerating the aligned audio takes time and this means that the audio may not be ready for replay when you reopen a project.

So saving the aligned audio data allows instant replay on reopening a session and this section is about the different ways this can be done.

In addition, RePitch VST and AU versions give you the choice to make the processed audio part of your DAW’s Session audio by responding to commands like Render, Bounce to disk, Freeze etc.  When you do this, your DAW will take over the audio, the connection to the audio and dealing with where it is kept and how it is saved.

In both cases, the processed audio (connected to RePitch or rendered and connected to your DAW) must be saved somewhere known, so when you reopen your Session, everything processed will be there or be re-creatable.

This section explains that in both cases, these output audio files may become quite large and, therefore, RePitch offers you two ways of saving them. You can choose either to:

  1. Archive the audio data in the DAW’s session data or
  2. Save the audio in a local directory on your computer.


Each method has its own advantages and drawbacks which will be explained next.

Archiving Audio in the DAW’s Session 


  1. The DAW can manage RePitch’s audio data such that the DAW’s filing operations such as “Save As..” or “Save to New Folder…” will all work seamlessly.

  2. If you transfer your session to another computer, all RePitch’s audio will also be transferred correctly.

  3. If you remove RePitch from your session, all RePitch’s audio data will be deleted from your hard drive.



  1. It may take noticeably longer to save your sessions. The more audio data that RePitch generates in a session, the longer it will take to save it in the DAW’s session.
    However, for a typical session, the extra time needed to save the audio data on modern fast hard drive will be minimal.



Configuring RePitch to Archive its Audio in the DAW’s Session

To configure RePitch so that it saves its audio data in the DAW’s session you are working on, you need to do the following: 

  1. In RePitch, click on  to open the Settings window shown in Figure 1 below.
  2. Under Current Project Save Location, make sure the button next to Save inside your DAW's project (song)  [also sometimes called Session] is ON (blue).
  3. If you would also like all future Sessions to save their data in the DAW’s session, make sure under
    Future Projects (Default), the button next to
    Save inside your DAW's project (song) is ON (blue).

    This switch acts like a “preference” setting for the plug-in whenever you open in future sessions.

Figure 1. Configuring RePitch to archive its audio in the DAW's session.


Further detail

While you are working in a Session, under the Current Project Save Location, the button next to Save inside your DAW's project (song) can be turned  ON or OFF anytime and that will control how that session is saved.  

If the Future Projects button was set ON prior to your using RePitch, when you open RePitch, the Save Audio in Current Session switch will already be ON.


The Real-Time Capture versions of RePitch (AU) cannot save its audio in Logic Pro’s project file.

The AAX version of RePitch cannot save its audio in a Pro Tools session.

Only the AU (ARA) versions can do this. This means that for RePitch (AU) you’ll not be able to select the option Save Audio in Current Session in the settings dialogue box.


Saving Audio to a Local Directory


  1. Saving sessions is not any slower than normal.
  1. If you close the DAW session and restart, the session will find the audio unless you move or delete it.


  1. The DAW cannot manage RePitch’s audio data. The DAW operations such as “Save As..” or “Save to New Folder...” will not generate new copies of RePitch’s Audio data if they are needed.

  2. If you transfer your session to another computer, RePitch’s audio will not be transferred as well. 

  3. If you remove RePitch from your session, all RePitch’s audio data will still remain on your hard drive.


Configuring RePitch to Save its Audio to a Local Directory

To configure RePitch so that it saves its audio data to a local directory, you need to do the following:

  1. In RePitch, click on to open the Settings window shown in Fig.2 below.
  2. Under Current Project Save Location, click Save to a local audio folder  (if necessary) to turn it ON.
  3. If you would like all future RePitch sessions that you create to save their audio to a local directory, under Future Projects (Default), click Save to a local audio folder (if necessary) to turn it ON.

Figure 2. Configuring RePitch to save its audio to a local directory.

Please Note:

  • If you are using Logic Pro, only the AU (ARA) version of RePitch (AU) can archive its audio data in Logic Pro’s session.
  • The Real-time Capture AU version of RePitch will always save its audio data to the local directory.
  • This restriction does not apply to the VST3 version of the plug-in.  


Location of RePitch’s Local Directories

You can configure RePitch to save its audio to a local directory on your hard drive. The location this directory depends on both which version of RePitch and which operating system you are using:

RePitch (VST3)


  • The local directory’s location is: “/Users/CurrentUser/Music/RePitchVst3/..”

Windows 10

  • The local directory’s location is: “DriveLetter:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\RePitchVst3\..”

RePitch (AU)   [macOS]

  • The local directory’s location is: “/Users/CurrentUser/Music/RePitchAU/...”


Structure of RePitch's Local Directory

RePitch will save audio data to its local directory when you have chosen not to save the audio data in the DAW’s session. 

Note that the User cannot change this directory location. 

RePitch (Real-Time capture)

RePitch will create in its local directory, a subdirectory for each new DAW session.

In this subdirectory, RePitch will save its “captured” Input audio and any aligned (processed) audio that it generates.

See examples in Fig.3 below.

Figure 3. Example of RePitch's local audio directory

The subdirectory’s name has the form “year-month-day hours-minutes-seconds (count)”. For example, the directory “2021-02-01 16-28-56 0” was created on 1st February 2021 at 16.28.56 (4.28 p.m.)

The “Count” field is used internally by the plug-in.

RePitch will never delete any of these dated and timed subdirectories. Unfortunately, RePitch cannot determine how many of the DAW’s sessions (or projects) still refer to the audio in the subdirectories, so it “plays safe” and assumes that the audio is still needed.


Should and can I delete these directories?

If you are sure that none of your DAW sessions refer to any audio generated by RePitch in a subdirectory, then it is safe to delete that subdirectory. 

Here’s how:

You might be able to use your computer’s directory browser to identify old unneeded subdirectories.  Look at the subdirectory name and the date/time fields as shown above in Fig 3. You will need to decide what is delete-able.

Another clue is in RePitch’s “Settings” dialogue box (shown below in Fig.4) which displays the Audio Cache Location path for the local directory that the plug-in is using to store its audio for the current session. This may also help you determine which subdirectories are still in use.


Figure 4. Path of the local directory used to cache the current session’s audio

RePitch (ARA)

Should you choose not to archive audio in the DAW’s session, the ARA version of RePitch will save its processed (aligned) output audio to a local directory. RePitch will not save the Guide or Dub audio as it can recreate these from your DAW session.

To keep the “Real Time” and “ARA” audio separate, RePitch (ARA) stores its data in the directory “AraAudioCache”, which is shown expanded in  Fig.5 below.  


Figure 5. Example of RePitch (ARA)’s Audio Cache.

Similar to the “Real-Time” versions of RePitch, RePitch creates a subdirectory for each session in your DAW.  The subdirectory’s name has the form “year-month-day hours-minutes-seconds”. For example, the directory “2021-02-03 14-53-13” was created on 3rd February 2021 at 14.53.13 (2.53 p.m.).

RePitch (ARA) will not delete the directory “AraAudioCache” or any of its subdirectories.

It is, however, always safe to delete any of the subdirectories as RePitch can regenerate the audio. But if you delete a subdirectory that is still in use then, at worst, you may have to wait for RePitch to regenerate its aligned audio before you replay the project.


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