Revoice Pro 5.1 Manual Publication

Before applying a new Match Process

    Loading audio

    Before applying a Match process you will need to load Guide and Dub audio tracks into Revoice Pro, following one of the methods described in Workflows. There are options for importing audio files directly, and various methods that work quickly and easily with specific DAWs.

    To hear the Revoice Pro outputs, you will also need to have set up Revoice Pro's audio monitoring.

    This section assumes that suitable Guide and Dub signals are already loaded in Revoice Pro and that either the Guide or Dub audio waveform is selected (i.e. light grey) following being loaded.

    • One way to cut down keystrokes when using Revoice Pro, is to load entire tracks of audio into Revoice Pro and then process these in sections, working from the start towards the end. 

    • Alternatively, you can load audio in shorter, phrase-length sections, particularly if the signals differ so much that Revoice Pro cannot process the entire tracks successfully. What is most efficient will always depend on the signals' similarities and your preferred workflow.

    • Another way is to load the whole of the Guide into Revoice Pro, then the Dub in manageable sections.

    • If necessary you can use Revoice Pro's basic waveform editing tools to split long lengths of the loaded audio waveforms into sections but it is not the most efficient approach.

    Tips for effective Match processing

    • Processing can sometimes be applied to the whole length of the audio at once, but it depends on the content of the tracks, the gaps between audio energy and basic structure and energy of the signals. In some cases, slightly different steps might be needed for longer signals or entire files.

    • For efficient Match processing, and while you are getting used to Revoice Pro processes, it is sometimes better first to try processing sections of the Guide and Dub that are much less than a minute long, and you can later experiment with longer (or shorter) sections as the procedure becomes more familiar. One way you could do this is to load portions of the Guide or Dub signal waveforms together in sections say between 30 to 60 seconds and process these sequentially.

    • Processing sections that are less than minute in length also helps you to check the audio carefully as you proceed through it. 

    • You can use carefully positioned Match Process Control Blocks to process phrases or segments of the Dub and Guide together and output the processed audio as you go. This also allows you to set the start and ends of Guide and Dub Match Inputs to be different as required.


    Related topics: 

    Match: detailed operation