Revoice Pro 5.1 Manual Publication

Pitch Modification Tools

Manually adjust timing, pitch and level » Note Block Controls » Pitch Modification Tools

Note Blocks in Revoice have a number of controls available depending on the position of the cursor. Both pitch and time modification tools are available when mousing over note blocks.

Pitch modification tools are available on the top half of the note block.

This portion of the manual discusses pitch modification controls. Time modification controls are discussed in the next topic in this manual.

Control Points

Note blocks in RePitch provide several quick controls via the Control Points which appear around a note block when moused over or selected.

Mouse Over

Click and hold one of the blue control points and then drag vertically to change the corresponding parameter.

  • Drift on the left
  • Level Change in the middle
  • Pitch Correction on the right


A Drift control is inside the Center Note Tool menu as described in Tools and Quick Keys.

The Drift control point will quickly change this parameter. Click and drag vertically to increase or decrease the pitch drift. 

Level Change

Click and drag vertically to quickly increase or decrease the level of the note block with a gain range of -10dB to +10dB.

Pitch Correction

Click and drag vertically to change the amount of pitch correction applied in percent, from 0% to 100%.

This control modifies the Pitch Correction slider percentage in the Centre Tool described above.

Dragging Notes Up and Down in Pitch

If the user clicks in the top half near the center of the Note Block, the up/down cursor  appears. The Selected Notes can be dragged either continuously in pitch or in semi-tone steps when holding Option and dragging.

Drag continuously or in semi-tone steps

Pitch Blocks can be dragged vertically to change pitch either continuously or in semi-tone steps.

  • Click and drag for Continuous pitch changes
  • Hold Option (Alt on Windows) and click and drag for Semi-tone step pitch changes

Double clicking Notes

Double clicking a Note Block will apply 100% pitch correction to that Note Block. The Note Block centre will be moved to:

  • The nearest Selected Scale Note frequency if Snap is ON or
  • To the nearest Chromatic note if Snap is OFF.

Modulation Control 

This control reduces or expands the range of the note's pitch variation.

Clicking and holding on the grey box centered just above the note block brings up the downward pointing arrow  as shown below, which can be dragged down to reduce the modulations or upward to expand them.

In the picture below, the Modulation control point has been dragged downward, and has reduced the note's modulation range as can be seen by comparing the resulting pitch in white with the original pitch trace in gray (the less visible curve within the blue note box).

In addition to expanding the pitch modulations, the Modulation control can be used to flatten the note range (to make it monotonic) or, it can also gradually invert the pitch pattern as the control is dragged further downwards. 

Pitch Edit Cursors Overview

Note Pitch

Place the cursor in the top half of the note block. Click and drag to move the pitch up and down continuously.

Hold the Option key (Alt in Windows) while dragging to drag in semi-tone steps.


Place the cursor over the grey modulation box above the center of the note block. Click and drag vertically to reduce or exaggerate pitch modulations.

Editing Transitions

Transitions from one Note Block to another are shown in yellow, as seen below:

There are two ways transitions can be manipulated. One of these uses Time Modification and is shown in the next Chapter here.

The other uses the Pitch Block control points as described below and does not modify timing.

Selecting the transition will show the Level Change control point as described above, and the transition can be dragged up and down to modify it's tuning.

The drag locations will affect the transition block like a normal note, but there will be differences in results that will vary from case to case depending on the slope of the transition and how the pitch curve is shaped in the notes it connects.

Actions on a Range of Selected Notes

The following instructions provide very useful actions, some on Key Commands.

We explain first how to make a selection and then explain the available commands.

Three ways to make a selection in main window

  1. To select a small range of visible objects- click and drag a box around items

  2. To select a larger range and include all items in range - (vertically and horizontally)
    1. Select first item in range
    2. If last item is off screen, use the Overview or Navigation tools to view the last item you want in the range
    3. Press SHIFT key and click last item in selection.

  3. To select ALL- press CMD A (mac)  or simply [A]  (because some DAWs use CMD A)
    For Windows, press [A] or CTRL A


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