VocALign Project 3 screen contents and controls
Fig. 7-1 VocALign display and controls
Display elements and controls
1) Display start time and time offsets: shows position of audio content referenced to the time line. (Units and frame rate can be changed from the application menu: View > Settings...)
2) Guide audio waveform (grey, indicates unselected)
3) Aligned audio trace (yellow): a representation of the energy of the new aligned signal.
4) Guide energy (blue): a profile of the energy of the Guide signal in time.
5) Guide start point selector (blue vertical marker): adjusts processing start. (The corresponding end point selector is shown further to the right).
6) Dub audio waveform (shown green to indicate that it is currently selected)
7) Dub energy (orange): a profile of the energy of the Dub signal in time.
8) Dub start point selector (blue vertical marker): adjusts processing start. (The corresponding end point selector is shown further to the right).
9) Track enable/mute control and indicator. Red = muted, green = enabled.
10) Warning indicator line (red): indicates the need to realign audio after a setting has been changed
11) Aligned audio waveform (grey, indicates unselected)
12) Playback range indicator. Red markers can be dragged to highlight a time range for replay, indicated by the yellow bar. (Can be removed by right-clicking in the yellow area and selecting delete.)
13) Scroll bar: use slider to move waveform position in window.
14) Energy display menu: select the frequency range of the audio signal energy analysis from one of four bands. ‘Not Displayed’ hides the energy trace so that only the waveform is displayed.
15) Alignment mode menu: controls the characteristics of the alignment processing (see Section 8).
16) Align button: click this to generate and display the aligned Dub audio energy trace in Guide window (does not create aligned audio).
17) Save button: Save button: click to bring up a standard Save dialog box in order to save processed (aligned) audio file.
18) Horizontal and vertical zoom controls
19) Playback line: shows current play point
Keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts control the following functions. The letter key alone controls the function, without needing to be combined with command, control or option keys.
g Enable Guide audio only
d Enable Dub audio only
a Enable Aligned audio only
s Enable Aligned and Dub audio together
f Enable Guide and Dub audio together
e Enable Guide and Aligned audio together
r Zoom out (horizontal)
t Zoom in (horizontal)
1 Mute/unmute Guide
2 Mute/unmute Dub
3 Mute/unmute Aligned
space Play audio or stop replay
⌘-delete Delete selected audio content
⌘-Z Undo last adjustment or load of audio material